Wednesday, August 31, 2011

90 day challenge prep: part 3

Today, we're planning what we're gonna eat!

Everybody's favorite part of dieting, right? Not. Certainly not mine! I have to be especially careful with this, as I have a tendency to stop eating when I get overly stressed or controlling about my weight. So for me, it is important to walk the line between planning and regimenting, which is not what I'm about this time!

So here's how I'm going to do this. I'm going to give myself options, keeping in mind that at least one meal a day has to be mobile-that is, I'll be out of the house, which makes it doubly difficult. So I'm gonna list off  a couple of meal and snack options, and try to work within that parameter. However, I'm not gonna be upset if I can't stick to this exactly. My life is so busy, there are gonna be days where I don't eat what I've planned and written down. But all we can do is try!

So, without further ado... meal ideas:

fruit smoothies
whole wheat toast with peanut butter
yogurt with fruit
weight loss shake

fruit smoothie
weight loss shake
healthy options frozen meal
veggies and fruits

fruit or veggies
rice cakes
crackers and cheese

grilled chicken and veggies
pasta and veggies
skewers (veggies, fruit and chicken grilled together)
frozen dinners (healthy options, of course!)

Here's the catch:
all of these are things that I enjoy eating, and look forward to! Don't plan things you won't actually eat! That being said, if you think you don't like fruits and veggies, find some sneaky way to get them in your diet! They are UNBELIEVABLY good for you, and so filling! for instance, if you don't like veggies, try some carrot apple juice! There are lots of varieties, and it is so sweet and tasty- I hate vegetable juice and I was amazed.

So what are you eating this 90 days?

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