Tuesday, May 12, 2015

After Whole30: Lessons learned

Hi friends!

This is the last post about my day-to-day experience with my Whole30. Probably a few more about what I've learned through this process, and definitely some continued food posting, but not as much about what I'm eating everyday, etc.

So then, to whit:

Yesterday, I had a pretty bad day. After I opened the door to gluten, I went a little hog wild in the break room on Monday. Handful after handful of animal crackers, a peanut butter cup and a Subway white chocolate macadamia nut cookie. And I. felt. AWFUL. I mean, really, really sick. Not to mention I couldn't focus, I could NOT stop eating and I had absolutely no energy. It was weird.

But you know, I'm almost glad it happened. It was a really good lesson after everything that's happened to my eating habits. No, I can't just go back to my old habits. I really and truly felt awful, and I do not want to repeat that!

As for what that means for me and gluten and sugar, I'm still working on that. Obviously I'm going to really limit them both, but I'm hoping I don't have to completely eliminate them.

Today I did much better. I need to make some more time for food prep, cause I'm out of porridge and don't have other good breakfast options right now, but other than that i felt pretty good about things. And, consequently, I felt a lot better today. Penelope and I went for a run, I got plenty done at work, finished up a couple of projects around here post run, made an excellent dinner... Very pleased.

 Meal 1: grain free porridge
Meal 2: 1 baked chicken thigh, roasted zucchini and squash, spinach
Snacks: cookies, crackers, a little candy
Meal 3: I never ate dinner, I was so full and sick feeling from my down right binge in the afternoon.

Meal 1: yogurt, an apple and a cheese stick (told you I need to make some time for food prep)
Meal 2: 1 baked chicken thigh, roasted zucchini and squash, spinach
Snack: handful green grapes, outshine fruit and veggie popsicle (after my run)
Meal 3: small steak, sauteed radishes, spinach

Until next time~

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