Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The 2015 Holiday Ornament Exchange kickoff

I know, I know: it isn't even thanksgiving yet! But I have an idea, and it takes some planning, so we have to start early!

I would like to start a world-wide Christmas ornament exchange! This exchange will take place annually, each year on a different theme. This year's theme:

Home For The Holidays! 

This is inspired by my recently revived love of travel and seeing places, hence the picture of my most recent Christmas acquisition:

Here's how it works:

1. Decide you want to join in. I promise it will be fun, and can be a one time thing or on going, depending on how committed you want to be.

2. Send me an Email with an address for your delivery, and let me know if you want to be a "continuing giver" or  if a one time gift is more your speed. You can also choose to be a domestic (U.S. Only) giver.

3. If you're a one time giver, all you have to do then is make (or buy) an ornament and mail it to me, and I'll mail you one back. Done!

4. If you're a "continuing giver", I will pass your address on to the others on my list, and then you send an ornament to each of the,, and they will also send one each to you!

Does that make sense? Basically, give an ornament, get an ornament!

Now, when it comes to the ornaments themselves, there are only two simple guidelines:

1. Keep it PG. it's the holidays, y'all.
2. The ornament must be a representation of this years' exchange theme: Home For The Holidays! I'm hoping for ornaments that represent the place you either are currently living or the place that means "home" to you. I won't tell you what mine are going to be yet (spoilers!) but I will tell you that they are going to represent one of three places:
- Dayton
- the United States

I'm really, really hoping this will result in ornaments from all over the world and all over the country, and I can't wait to decorate my tree with them!

So with that, I declare the 2015 ornament exchange up and running! I'll continue to post updates and pictures, of course.

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