Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Guess what, guys?
I finished the apartment!! And it looks so very precious! AND, I have pictures! So welcome to my house, everyone! Let me show you around!

Front door, with this precious Peace wreath, which I just love.

On the door to the coat closet are my Christmas cards!

Moving into the living room, we have this arrangement on my coffee table...

and this lovely thing on the wall. Which I LOVE. Favorite project.
Balcony door got some love....

here's a close up!

when you turn around, you've got these lovelies! ( I LOVE that glitter feather!) But wait, what's that behind it...?

oh, no big, just a homemade table runner, and such!

mirrored on the dining table! But what's that behind the table?

more lights, ornaments and garlands, of course! Moving into the kitchen...
Aren't these towels just THE CUTEST?! And I made them myself! Really, I DID!

And if we look up... more tinsel and lights!

 And now for the grand finale....

my liiiiittle tiny tree and a few presents!

 Isn't it all just the cutest?!  I love every piece of it. Tutorials for some of it coming soon!


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