hey all!
It's been just over a week since I started my 90 day challenge, and so, here I am, checking in with all of you about it!
I had a great week food-wise. I ate really pretty healthily. There were some mishaps along the way, of course, but for the most part, it was a good week!
Now... exercise-wise, I did not do well at all. I rode my bike to and from school two days this week, so I did get about 80 minutes of cardio in. But I didn't do a single minute of "toning exercises". You heard me. Not one minute.
Here's my problem with them. I hate crunches. I really do. I need an extra motivator to get down on the floor and do those exercises! Anyone have any ideas? Because I'm fresh out.
However, in spite of that, I'm feeling really good about the challenge. I feel really healthy, and full, and pleased with myself. I've made two different (and delicious!!) breakfast smoothies, packed healthy lunches and eaten healthy dinners. I'm having the most difficulty with the dinners- it's hard for me to plan in advance, and by the time I get home from work, I am HUNGRY.
But that's how my first 8 days went- how were yours?
And here are the recipes for my smoothies- enjoy!
Weight loss Frappucino Smoothie:
1 scoop slimfast meal powder
1 serving instant iced coffee
1 1/2 cups of milk
2(ish) cups iced cubes
Blend until smooth. This keeps me full for at least four hours, and tastes like a $4- and diet ruining- coffeehouse drink!
Mango-Pineapple-Peach smoothie
1 fresh peach, peeled and chopped
1 single serve pineapple cup
1 1/2 cups frozen mango pieces
1 cup(ish) ice cubes
blend until smooth (put the ice and mango on the bottom!)
This is a VERY tasty, healthy, fruity drink! Not quite as filling, but absolutely delicious!!
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